How can we help you?

I can't register. The system indicates that an account with this email already exists

Perhaps you have registered on before. Try accessing your account by entering your email and password. Click on the "Forgot my password" option to generate a new one.

I don't remember my password and I'm not receiving the email to change it

Check the spam or junk mail folder to verify that it hasn't landed in one of those folders.

If you confirm that you haven't received it, contact us by providing the email you use to log in and your phone/mobile number. A customer support team member will get in touch with you within 24-48 hours.

What personal data appears in my ad?

Depending on the type of plan you have selected, when you sign up on YACARROS, we ask for a series of contact details to create an account. For private users, your name, email, phone, and mobile number will be displayed. For users who choose the Premium Plan, instead of the data requested during the registration process, the contact details of the dealer/dealership that have been updated in the "Virtual Dealer" section of your control panel will be displayed.

How can I publish my ad?

To publish an ad on YACARROS, click on "Sell your vehicle" and complete the registration process. If you are already a registered user, log in to your account.

Once you enter your Control Panel, click on "Add Vehicle" and fill out the form with the details of your ad.

How many ads can I publish on YACARROS?

The number of ads you can publish will depend on the plan selected during your registration process on YACARROS. For users who have selected the Basic Plan, the allowed number of ads is limited to one (1) ad. For users who have selected the Premium Plan, there is no limit on ads.

Keep in mind that if you are a Basic Plan user, you can switch to the Premium Plan at any time from the "My Plan" option in your Control Panel.

Do I have to pay any commission for the sale of my vehicle?

No. Remember that YACARROS does not act as an intermediary in the buying and selling transaction; we are just a platform connecting supply and demand.

How much does it cost to publish my ad on YACARROS?

YACARROS offers two modalities for the Ad service:

i) Ad Service for Private Users 750.00 RD$/month

ii) Ad Service for Companies and Professionals 2,500.00 RD$/month

As a promotional offer, YACARROS may establish free trial periods of the platform.

What are the accepted payment methods?

The accepted payment methods through this website are as follows:

- Credit card payment: You can make payments with any credit or debit card accepted by PayPal. Payment is made through their gateway, being the fastest and safest way to do it.

- Through a PayPal account: If you have a PayPal account, you can make payments using it. Today, PayPal is used by millions of people to make their online purchases, being one of the main payment service providers.

What happens if I don't renew my plan within the established period?

Once the validity period of your plan expires, your account will remain active, maintaining access to your account as well as your data and ads. However, your ads will not be visible on the YACARROS portal until the renewal of the service.

Once the Plan is renewed, all your ads will become visible on the portal without any penalties.

How to detect if an ad is fake?

Detecting a scam is not a complicated task. It will usually be easy for you to detect it by considering the following points:

- The advertised vehicle price is excessively cheap.

- The seller or buyer resides abroad.

- The ad description is clearly a poorly done translation.

- The phone/mobile number is incorrect or does not exist.

- The seller requests money in advance.

If after reading these tips you still have doubts about whether an ad is a possible scam, you can contact us at and provide the ad's URL. We will review it and advise you on the ad's veracity.

How can I identify fake emails?

YACARROS will never ask you for any personal information, passwords, bank account numbers, transfers, or payments for services you have not requested via email.

If you have received any such email, do not open any attachments or click on any links.

To report a phishing attempt or an unsolicited email, notify us at