
Replacing faulty GM Chevy Bolt EV battery will provide more range

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Chevrolet Bolt EV

Owners of Chevrolet Bolt EV models from 2017 to 2019 have dealt with reduced driving range for many months as GM sought a solution to a battery-related fire issue, culminating in a plan to replace all battery modules.

Now, GM has confirmed that it is enhancing the older Bolt EVs by offering a significant range increase. In a communication sent to some owners over the weekend, the automaker emphasized that the newly installed lithium-ion battery modules in the older Bolt EVs would feature “GM’s most advanced Bolt chemistry.”

The pending 8% increase in battery capacity is described as “resulting in an improvement in range under equivalent driving conditions” and includes a new limited parts warranty of 8 years / 100,000 miles covering the battery after module replacement.

“We will replace the modules in the 2017-2019 population with the latest-generation cell chemistry, which would provide that level of range improvement,” confirmed GM spokesperson Kevin Kelly on Monday.

This could be a significant benefit for long-term Bolt EV owners and drivers. In 2020, GM increased the Bolt EV’s range by approximately that amount to 259 miles from the previous 238, using a new, higher-energy-density lithium-ion cell from LG. This raised the official energy capacity of the 60-kilowatt-hour pack to 65 kWh, as it is currently labeled.

The capacity and range increase for 2020 followed a mid-2019 model-year execution change when GM switched production of Bolt EV cells from Ochang, South Korea, to Holland, Michigan. GM initially stated that only the earlier South Korean cells were affected by the problem, but earlier this month, it expanded the recall to all Bolt EV models manufactured to date, including the 2020-2022 Chevy Bolt EV models and the new 2022 Chevy Bolt EUV models.

As part of the recently expanded recall, GM also recommended that owners set the Bolt’s Target Charge Level function to limit charging to 90%. Beyond that, it advises owners to charge more frequently, avoid depleting the battery to 70 miles remaining, park outside after charging, and not charge the vehicle indoors overnight.

GM once again cautioned that affected modes “may pose a fire risk when charged to full or very close to their full capacity.”

Last week’s recall included stopping sales and halting delivery and use of all involved Bolt EVs in dealer possession, including new and used inventory, shuttle vehicles, and GM-certified used Bolt EVs already in the GM system will be decertified, according to a recall document.

Production on Hold

It also stopped manufacturing Bolt EV and EUV models. “We’re still working with LG on any potential modifications needed for the manufacturing process in their plants,” reported Kelly.

Automakers rarely highlight suppliers in recalls, but GM pointed out that it was seeking reimbursement for the recall effort, now potentially totaling $1.8 billion, due to two different defects in the affected cells.

Owners of older Bolt EVs were already advised to set their maximum charge to 90% for months and were called to the dealership for the installation of “advanced onboard diagnostic software” intended to detect these potential battery issues before they occurred. But it did not stop the fire incidents.

GM will face these hurdles, but consumers might win in this. Batteries are the most expensive individual component of electric cars, and once the cars are repaired, owners will, in some ways, have a new electric vehicle without the payments of a new electric vehicle.

Think of it this way: it’s not uncommon to see a 10% battery degradation after a few years of owning an electric vehicle. Now, for the inconvenience, any range drop will be erased, and they are likely to get more range than the cars were new. For a company relying on the reputation of its upcoming Ultium electric vehicles over a decade of growth, that sounds like a smart move.

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