
This monstrosity with wheels is looking for an owner. Will he find it?

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The folks at Garage 54 have accustomed us to mechanical monsters that, in most cases, will collapse after a few minutes of operation. However, today’s protagonist is more subtle: under its strange body, we have the chassis of the 1993 Ford Festiva and a four-cylinder Mazda engine.

Eccentricity in Motion

What we see in the image is called the “Consumer” and is the work of abstract designer Joey Ruiter, who decided to remove the mentioned Ford body to give it a trapezoidal shape.

The entire front part is made of metal and tilts forward to accommodate a 1.3-liter engine with 63 horsepower and a maximum torque of 100 Nm, while the rear is made of a plant-based material called Xorel. Therefore, this “Consumer” is very light, weighing barely 566 kg.

Its interior is not comfortable at all as it lacks heated seats, a stereo system, and even doors. However, it has seat belts, rearview mirrors, external lights, and a front grille of mirrors.

The seller suggests that this vehicle may not be legal in all regions, so it is recommended that the buyer check local laws before deciding to purchase this “vehicle” if they plan to use this wheeled box. The auction will continue until March 19, and the current bid is $7,000.

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